Thursday, February 15, 2007

Indianised.. Punctuality

I am extremely particular about respecting others time and I expect the same in return. With no intention of blowing my own trumpet I would say the number of times I get disappointed are not few. Time is money, time is precious & time is not a renewable resource...In a 24 hour day every small delay here and there adds up. I am quite sure Indians as a demographic group can be singled out for absolute contempt for time. Why? for the life of me..Why? As if that is not enough one should see us beaming with pride whenever the acronym IST is thrown about..Indian Stretchable Time..Shouldn't we all take a hard look in the mirror and be ashamed of ourselves? Scheduled meetings never start on time, files do not move, construction of bridges/roads are delayed, implementation of plans never happen on time, court cases get postponed time after time. The are numerous examples and it is not humanly possible to count them all. Let me stop this tirade....and lets Indianise punctuality....
Way back in 1996 a prominent German firm's manager took control of its India operations. He was one of the best the company had and failure was not an option. In the beginning he would turn up for all social get together with the trademark German precision. For example if the party was at 2100 hrs, he will be there smack on the dot, only to find the embarrassed host still in the shower! Times changed he got a a little 'Indianised'. Fast forward to 2006....the firm is performing really well. He decides to host a party and the party starts at, well you guessed it, 2100 hrs. His Indian guest turn up at 2125-2130 hrs only to find him still in the shower!
I am baffled...instead of learning good habits from others we are teaching bad habits to others


Fall Out Boy said...
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Fall Out Boy said...

I totally agree with you Mr. V. These days, people little respect their time and so expecting them to respect ours is futile. In the end, there is only one thing I intuit, it reflects a person's upbringing.