Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Foto Ops

My brush with photography....it has got me hooked -love the effects, different angles, lighting can have on a photograph...I am trying to read up magazines and websites to build a theoritical base on photography. Let us see how far I go!


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Sandy V said...

Dude i know that you have a flair for almost everything in this world. Now that you have spoken about photography, let me know if you need any assistance on any books or theory as i have got loads of it to be dispatched...not that iam total expert but definitely like minds think together philosophy would work in our case and we can build our Dreams of Photography together. Just to remind you iam more inclined towards the nature and herpatology, ecosphere, Biosphere..which would constitute most of the animals i cover in my shoots...