Before you really start reading
this blog, I request you to hear the sound clip from the movie Inception below. This will give you a good context.
I am single. The residual energy of
the dialogue from the movie Inception is trapped inside my head for some
time. Being single is an idea that has got stuck in there
somewhere and much to the dissapointment of all the people around me who want me
married…the idea inside my head is a resilient parasite.
I am single. I am not lonely. I don't binge drink. I don't smoke. I
am not promiscuous. Man is a social animal but being single doesn’t necessarily
mean being lonely. Inside us all we have the power to choose how we feel every
moment. Single is a state of mind and it’s a pretty good state to be in. Trust
I am single. I enjoy company of
well bred individuals. If it happens to be a girl - even better! I hope they enjoy my company too. None of my link ups
were dramatic (at least I believe they weren’t dramatic) and none of my break
ups have been messy. I sleep very well every night and I can certainly look at
myself in the mirror every morning because I have treated every one of the
girls I have been with plenty of respect. It is my interaction with cross
section of them that has made my life very rich.
I am single. I have had a good
career if not an extraordinary one. I am fortunate to be making way more money
than what a single guy needs. I don’t have any big expenses to think about on a
recurring basis. It just puts me in a position to help out those who need money
more than I do. I doubt I would be able to donate generously if I had kids
of my own. More importantly, I wonder if I would have been able develop this
consciousness towards society at my age if I was married. India already has
1.25 billion people and I don’t see how me adding to that number is going to
make me feel any better. I urge all of my married friends to adopt at least one
underprivileged child and nurture that child in the way only they can. Change lives
of those who are less fortunate….I guarantee you; your life will change for the
better along the way.
I am single. I am trying my hand
at minimalistic living. I don’t feel the need to buy a house, buy things and accumulate
assets. At the same time, I don't have a problem with anyone who is buying it all. Either ways, life goes on just fine.
I am too single.
I am too happy. I love too much. I am too content. I am too mobile. If life
takes me on a good journey, I hope to give too much. Well, I don’t think there
is anything called “giving too much” :).
I am not going to go looking for marriage, if it happens, it happens. If I grow
old with no wife and no kids – that is absolutely fine too. My life like
everyone else’s is going to be a total of all the choices I make.
I am
single. This blog is not written for self promotion. I believe society at large undervalues/berates single as a lifestyle choice. It is disappointing. Open up your mind a bit. Try objectivity. Please allow me to quote a line that I read somewhere “I am not anti
marriage, I am just pro single"